

Catalyst is mostly written by Felenov and AxiSkull, with some parts by I2X, the engine is designed to support non-euclid geometry and portals out of the box. OpenGL and software rendering is supported, and the engine is designed with CPU graphics in mind and features a built-in editor and a extensive modding API.


ATX is a game. There is a NDA.


.cgs is Catalyst's map format. It's inspired by the way quake maps are built, except everything is done on the fly, allowing for live editing.


Lightrails is a AI anticheat that runs entirely server-side and is privacy respecting. The anti-cheat is able to detect aim/trigger bot use and macros and issue automated sanctions, as well as flag accounts that exhibit suspicious activity. Lightrails also has line-of-sight functionality that hides entities server-side that are not visible to the player, making ESP ineffective.


Nex stores files. Nex does version control. Nex is a federated cloud implementation that is AxiProto compliant.


IRC on Russian Steroids, used internally at F2 eSports alongside XMPP for communication. Runs over the Radiant protocol.


Ionix is a LLM. And it sucks, for now


We tried to copy Hetzner's panel and automated provisioning to the best of our ability. VNC (it's not VNC but you don't care) supported as well.