About F2 eSports

F2 eSports was founded by AxiSkull, Felenov and Eye2X with a shared passion for gaming and technology. The organization's first project - LighTrails was a AI anti-cheat that worked by analyzing replays of quake matches for aim/trigger bot usage, and has since grown into a highly sophisticated server-side anti-cheat tool. Since then, F2 eSports is overseeing multiple projects and dedicated infrastructure to support our day-to-day operations.

F2 eSports is based in Switzerland, with members in Zurich, Vaud, St. Gallen and Schwyz cantons. We have server infrastructure in Zurich and Geneva based co-location centers with 25GBit/S connectivity, as well as infrastructure in Munich, Helsinki (10 GBit/s connectivity) and the UK.